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Processed Aconite Root
Processed Aconite Root
Market name:炮附子
Photo location:Museum of Materia Medica, Inst. of Nat. Med.
TMPW No.:9410
Aconitum carmichaeli
Plant name:Aconitum carmichaeli
Photo location:Sichuan Prov., China
Photo date:2002
Photographer:K. Komatsu

Latin name Aconiti Radix Processa
Botanical source: Family name Ranunculaceae
Botanical source: Plant name - Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux (IPNI:707241-1)
- Aconitum japonicum Thunberg (IPNI:707472-1)
Part used Lateral root
Empirical criteria for quality selection The best one is the size of hen's egg. (NI)
Constituents Alkaloids:
[A. carmichael]i: Aconitine, Hypaconitine, Mesaconitine, Carmichaeline, Talatisamine, Coryneine chloride;
[A. japonicum]: Aconitine, Mesaconitine, Hypaconitine, Hygenamine;
[Aconitum spp.]:
Aconitine系 (type):Aconitine, Hypaconitine, Mesaconitine, Jesaconitine, Neopelline,
Atisin系 (type):Atisine, Kobusine, Pseudokobusine, Telatisine, Songorine, Atidine, Napelline, Heteratisine, Hypognavine, Ignavine,
強心成分 (Cardiotonic compounds):Hygenamine, Coryneine, Yokonoside, etc.;
[A. ferox]: Pseudoaconitine;
[A. heterophyllum]: Atidine, Atisine, Hetisine, Heteratisine, Benzoylheteratisine;
[A. napellus]: Songorine, Napelline, Hypaconitine, Mesaconitine, Neopelline, Neoline, Aconine, Benzoylaconine, Aconitine, Napellonine
Pharmacological effects Sedative, suppression of stress ulcer (extract). Sedative, hypotensive, induction of arrythmia (aconitine), cardiotonic (hygenamine, coryneine). Analgesic and antiinflammatory (mesaconitine).
Indications As a tonic, diuretic, cardiotonic and painkiller, it is applied to treat metabolic dysfunction, joint paralysis and pain of limbs and disease due to relaxation of internal organs such as invalid's stomachache, diarrhea and pollution.
Diseases Pallor of the face, Cyanosis, Coldness of limbs, Weak pulse, Spontaneous sweating, Heaviness and powerlessness in lumber and knee, Frequent urination, Sexual problem, Muddy and watery stool, Lower back pain, Oliguria, Full stomach, Swelling and pain of joint, Numbness, Chill
Meridian tropism Heart, Spleen, Kidney
Property Extremely hot, toxic
Flavor Extremely Acrid/pungent
Classification in "Shen-non Ben-cao Jing" Inferior
TCM: Classification Drugs for dispelling cold
TCM: Medicinal effects To cause restoration from collapse, to supplement body fire and reinforce yang, and to dispel wind, cold and damp.
Used for collapse with cold limbs and faint pulse, impotence, frigidity, precordial and abdominal pain with cold sensation, vomiting and diarrhea or edema accompanied by aversion to cold and cold extremities, cold in patients with yang deficiency, chronic arthritis due to attack of cold and damp (marked by persistent severe joint pain, fixed in place and accompanied by the sensation of heaviness and numbness).
References NI: N. Isshiki, Methods of Quality Evaluation and Preparation of Wakan-yaku [Wakanyaku no ryohi kanbetsu-ho oyobi chosei-ho], Tohodo Shoten, Tokyo, 1987.


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